Thursday, February 14, 2019

My Autism Parenting Magazine article on male/female sex ratios in autism

About nine months ago,  I posted a piece on this blog in which I discussed the issues of whether or not male to female sex ratios were underestimated in autism.  I also discussed the phenomenon of "social camouflage" which suggests that many female autistics go under the radar due to an ability to mask their symptoms to adapt socially.  This has become a fashionable trope of numerous female neurodiversity proponents.  I stated that there was more info that I had, but would not publish it in that particular piece because I had submitted an article about it and hoped to get it published in a magazine.

Well, it happened.  Autism Parenting Magazine published my piece.  When it got published, a number of people on Facebook and other places were interested in reading it.  Unfortunately it was behind a paywall and the magazine asked me not to release it to the general public.

However, the magazine  a little while ago published my article as a blogpost That is the news for anyone who might be interested in reading this article.  It discusses a variety of issues on why I believe that there is no scientific evidence for the neurodiversity movement's claim that autism has been underestimated in women.  For those who may be interested in this subject, I hope you will read my article and enjoy it.  For those in the ND movement who disagree with me, I hope you'll read it and think twice about alleging that autism ratios have been underestimated in women as fact.  


  1. Thank you, Jonathan for your continued effort to paint a better picture of autism. Some autism advocates are not the only ones who distort the realities of disabilities. These disabilities advocates, neurologically focused or otherwise, rightfully lobby for all levels of assistance for their specific disabilities and rightfully so. This includes community funded and assistance with care giving, affirmative action in housing, higher education and employment. Then they will also trivialize their disabilities and call them other "abilities" within the range of normal, not real disabilities, in order to deflect stigma attached with being disabled. When they want help, the are disabled. But in other social circumstances they insist they are not really disabled, just different. The ND autism movement plays this double standard, too. Autism is a disability when it suits them, but when it doesn't it somehow becomes hidden in some women. Now you see it, now you don't. This muddling and trivializing hurts people who are already under enough burdens of their impairments.

  2. By their logic, is it also sexist that autoimmune diseases are more common in women?
