Wednesday, November 3, 2010

problems with my blog and "senator Fiorina"

Some of you may have noted that my blog archive is at the very bottom of my page rather than closer to the top where it should be. Unfortunately, I was trying to add some more quotes to the quotes section on the home page of the blog and adjust the spacing and somehow I pushed all my stuff down to the bottom of the page. Upon looking at the code, I noted that there were an excessive amount of break statements which added a zillion extra lines and I did not save a template of the original blog. I inquired on blogger's help section as how to access the html in my blog and found out.

Unfortunately, when I click design and edit html only a CSS file loads and not the file containing the HTML code of this blog, even after clicking in the box expand widget templates the file will not load for some reason. Therefore I can't change it back. Otherwise I could go in and edit the file and resolve this problem. Also, on the WYSIWYG editing page, there seems to be no way to place the side bars to the right. I apologize for any inconvenience to anyone who may want to find and access the archives on this blog, but I guess you will have to scroll to the bottom of the page until I can find a way to solve this problem. Any suggestions in comments or email as to how I can solve the problem are appreciated.

Senator Barbara Boxer ,who has been one of the two senators in my state since 1993, has declared victory in her race against Carly Fiorina and is claiming re-election to a fourth term. However, Fiorina has refused to concede the race saying that a margin of a few thousand votes or so is too close to call. Gadfly would agree with this; however, the left leaning media have declared Barbara Boxer the winner. I voted for Fiorina as I saw it as a vote against Ari Ne'eman's confirmation to the NDC which Boxer was a part of. Also a vote against federal funding of Morton "autism is harmless" Gernsbacher's research.

Many members of the neurodiversity community seem to have very liberal political beliefs from what I have read in their blogs. However, one would think they would be enamored of Ms. Fiorina who has stated her desire to overturn Roe vs. Wade and her opposition to abortions except in cases of rape, incest and endangerment of the mother's life. If this happened, the ND argument that autism speaks and other groups seeking a cure for autism's goal of trying to find a way to deliberately abort autistic fetuses would become almost completely moot (excepting the illegal coat hanger abortions that occurred prior to Roe V. Wade). They would not be able to cry about eugenics. Even though we could still have illegal abortions, it might be much harder to obtain genetic testing for fetuses if all that could be done was to abort it. Somehow I suspect most californian ND's supported Boxer due to her appointment of Ne'eman and her liberalism. I also suspect most female ND's of child bearing age believe they have a right to an abortion as a form of birth control. However, they would not give the same right to a mother of an autistic fetus. With the exception of Frank Klein who stated he was for legalized abortion of non-autistic fetuses, I have yet to hear an ND comment on where they stand on the issue concerning nonautistics. I suspect most of them value the child's disability over the child's humanity. I suppose I could have voted for a libertarian or green or other minor party candidate against Boxer, but Fiorina had the greatest chance of winning. If the media or anyone else declares Boxer the winner hopefully Ms. Fiorina will demand a recount against such a narrow margin.

It is my belief that a vote for any politician who would support Ari Ne'eman being able to craft autism policy at taxpayer expense and would support the research of neurodiversity rogue Morton Gernsbacher is a vote for children becoming crippled and sick, not being able to speak, and being in danger of accidentally drowning or running out in traffic and being hit by a car and being killed. Therefore I will await 2012 where all those who feel as I do will cast their vote for any candidate besides Obama or any other incumbent senator who voted to confirm Ne'eman.

Addendum: The latest word is that Fiorina has conceded the election to Boxer


  1. You are very mistakeN. You voted fir someone that wants to CUT disability services all because you don't like Ne'eman. That's what happens when you don't appreciate what those services do for people. I'm disappointed. I thought you had a better handle on what is important. You let a personal grievance cloud your judgement.

  2. It's impossible to say without seeing the template. Download the template and mail it to me at and I'll have a look...

    Oh, the abortion thing? Now that really will break Neurodiversity 1.0

  3. Actually, Kent that was not the only reason I voted against Boxer. If you remember that check kiting scandal back in the 1990s, where the various congressman and senators were able to write bad checks and essentially float interest free loans to themselves, Boxer, if you will remember was one of the worst if not the worst offender which is another reason I voted against her. Since Fiorina has never been in the senate we can't know what disability services she would vote to cut and not to cut. I have no idea what Barbara Boxer has supported in terms of helping those with developmental disabilities, except perpetuation of the IDEA law, Gernsbacher's funding and confirming Ne'eman to the NDC. I realize his ill-advised appointment to the IACC was out of her jurisdiction.

  4. Hey Jonathan, are you going to the Laker game tonight?

  5. No, I'm not going to the Lakers game tonight

  6. Jonathan, I'm gonna get a tattoo of The Help Group logo. If I do that, will you get a tattoo of the Autism Speaks logo?
