Monday, January 5, 2015

Neuroscienist Manuel Casanova calls out the Neurodiversity movement

Nowadays it seems not only do very few people want to take the neurodiversity movement to task, but in fact many support it.  The autism society of America had Alex Plank as its keynote speaker.  They endorsed Ari Ne'eman's appointment to the NCD.  Autism Speaks has had high school dropout John Elder Robison on their scientfic advisory board.  Their coffers have served as ATM machines to Laurent Mottron, Michelle Dawson, Isabelle Souleries and probably others who believe in neurodiversity as well.  The federal government has appointed five anti-cure spectrumites to the IACC and zero pro-cure autistics, though Roger Kulp has expressed a desire to serve.  John Robison has sat on committees deciding how to do autism research and what studies to fund, though he does not even have a tenth grade education.  In a great insult to rationality this man also has a professorial title at William and Mary College.  The entire united states congress changed the name of a law just because the ND's didn't like it/

That is why I am so happy when anyone of prominence in the autism world is willing call these people to task. Dr. C is troubled as I am at the power and influence these people have wielded as of late.

Ironically enough, Dr. C poses the following question:  Do they believe that the inability to get or hold a job infers a flaw in that person's character?

I'm reminded of the  
words of retired neurodiversity blogger "The autistic bitch from hell"

These people are truly pathetic. They have been called weirdos and dummies all their lives, and deep down, they believe that's what they are. They cling to their autism diagnosis like it's a security blanket that protects them from ever having to take responsibility to improve their lives. They reflexively oppose any efforts by autistic activists to raise the issue of employment discrimination because they fear that they will lose their disability payments if other autistic people get jobs. They will grovel at the feet of any bureaucrat who can give them a benefit check, pat them sweetly on their incompetent little heads, and reassure them that they're not to blame for any of their failures because their poor defective brains weren't capable of anything better.

So, if this is the opinion of mainstream neurodiversity, the answer to Dr. C's question would appear to be a resounding yes.  This person has been rumored to be Meg Evans, who with Ari Ne'eman, cofounded the autistic self advocacy network, the premiere neurodiversity organization, some of whose members have power and influence in the government and have persuaded members of congress to write false statements to the secretary of HHS and others to get what they want.  Apparently these congress people and their staffs are either too slothful to even do the most rudimentary fact checking or perhaps they are members of ND themselves and are opposed to ending this horrific nightmare which affects so many of us.

Unfortunately, Dr. C seems to have a friendly relationship with John Robison and seems to think this individual has something useful to offer the autism community and that is unfortunate.  I won't comment any further.  I'll just let Dr. C's post speak for itself.   I hope as many people as possible will read it and take it to heart, though I doubt few people will.

To me, the word 'neurodiversity' is just as offensive as the word 'retard' the n word for blacks and the F word for gay people.  I think the rhetoric of the autistic bitch from hell speaks for itself.

I only wish more people would call out this horrid movement.

1 comment:

  1. Neuro diversity is so silly the movement would insist you call a headless corpse a Dullahan or something and give that stinking thing feel good stuff and rights. This ND movement's thin line father the inclusion movement has seen children with feeding tubes and large diapers transfer from specialized schools to regular campuses and the numerous problems associated. My mom worked a Willemburg special education center in San Pedro and those ND INC fanatics shut the school down endangering the former students.
