Monday, January 27, 2014

Will Ari Ne'eman, ASAN and the rest of Neurodiversity oppose Avonte's law?

As most persons who peruse stories on the internet about autism know, Avonte Oquendo, a 14-year-old boy with severe autism recently perished after wandering away from his school.  His remains were found after a three month search.  Because of this, New York senator Charles Schumer has proposed legislation that will hopefully prevent this tragedy from happening ever again.

In the past, the autistic self advocacy network, one of the main groups of individuals who serve as proponents for the neurodiversity movement has opposed diagnostic codes for wandering due to the fact that this will result in restraint and seclusion of developmentally disabled people.

I noticed in Ari Ne'eman's google plus page, he's offered condolences for Avonte's untimely demise.  He and the rest of ASAN have claimed that there are certain behavioral techniques that can help eliminate wandering, but has been rather vague about the specifics (par for the course for Neurodiversity).

They were opposed to the wandering codes because they believed it was a violation of human rights.  How about Avonte's right to be alive and other kids like him.  There seems to be no shortage of autistic children who perish in accidental drownings, being run over by cars, etc.  Certainly food for thought. 


  1. This article adds some points to what you are saying here.

  2. I've come to the conclusion as well dealing with the professionals in my world.

    They are unimpressed with the "difference" philosophy and ignore it.

  3. This article states that about half of all children with autism are known to wander; but I wonder how that compares to those children without autism who are also known to wander. A GPS tracking device that can be worn on the wrist or in clothing might make good sense for any child of a certain age range. Perhaps instead of a national law to provide for GPS tracking devices at taxpayer expense, a child-friendly GPS device could be marketed affordably or significantly discounted for any number of concerned parents of any child. Of course, it is equally important to instruct and enforce rules about the physical boundaries of the environments in which each child with autism finds himself. No child is ever too young to be informed about such expectations, and to apply fair and reasonable discipline when the rules are broken." --William Stillman, autism spectrum author, consultant, self-advocate, Editor-in-Chief SilverXord Publications

  4. In 2012, 195 autistic children went missing and 91% of them drowned.

    William Stillman author of God and the Autism Connection? You're a joke.

    1. Hey, anon! Mail me mail(at)harrywilliams(dot)org

  5. Locked doors, secure gates and GPS, yes. Cages and laws, No.

  6. I have no idea about Mr Stillman or his book -- but he brings an idea. Why don't we have something like 'safelink' 'assurance' etc (cell-phones commonly incorrectly referred to as "Obama-phones" safelink et al are providers of low-grade very basic cell-phones to the low income)couldn't provide something like this, free GPS for the low incomed kids. Why it couldn't be covered for those on the WIC (Women infants and Children)for the youngest, the toddlers and early childhood kids (of any 'neurotype') at least for those who's parents are poor enough to be on those programs.

    ASAN et al, (anyone really) you want something functional to work on? something that would actually be productive and useful to somebody -- work on getting this -- for all 'types' of kids (not just autistic).
