Wednesday, January 9, 2013

four more years of Kathleen Sebelius?

According to this article in the Huff post Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is going to stay on in the Obama administration for another four years. Does this mean the Interagency Autism Coordinating Commission will still be stacked with more neurodiversity individuals. I've already written about her choice of Ari Ne'eman, Scott Robertson and John Robison and Matthew Carey to serve on this body.  Even worse was the appointment of hatemonger Noah Britton who has compared Autism Speaks to the Ku Klux Klan.  I've written about this sterling individual elsewhere.

I can only hope that in another four years when there is a new presidential administration whoever becomes president in the beginning of 2017 will appoint someone to HHS who is sane and rational and who, unlike Ms. Sebelius understands what a horrible disability autism is and how it needs to be cured and the above-mentioned people would only be laughed at if they dared to try to make autism policy suggestions to the federal government.  Hopefully whoever the secretary of HHS is would appoint people who will try their best to suggest policy that will lead to a cure of this horrible disability from which I suffer every day.

Why we need public members to make suggestions at taxpayer dollars and what these people have to offer to persons such as myself on the spectrum is beyond my comprehension.  Stephen Jobs did great things in his life, but he never served on a cancer advisory board.  We don't have people giving advice on how to create and administer antibiotics just because they or one of their loved ones has had an infection.  

Of course maybe even better than having an HHS secretary with a less cavalier attitude toward people such as myself that Ms. Sebelius has, we'll get a new congress and presidential administration who will do away with the IACC and it's public members.  Then hopefully maybe some real experts can come to the fore and find a way to mitigate or even cure this horrible disease. 

1 comment:

  1. nope, i don't get their email alerts. Not sure there's any point. Sounds like what they are talking about is nothing new. Same things they've been saying for years. Wish they'd come up with something new, then maybe i'd have another blog post.
