Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aiden Bower drowns: ND movement proven wrong again

Here is yet another story of a defenseless autistic child drowning.  Although this appears to be commonplace, the neurodiversity movement insists that no one is ever killed from autism so there is no comparison to cancer and similar diseases.  They consistently play the murder card, claiming that those of us who don't like autism and wish a cure were available are responsible for the murder of autistic children whenever a deranged parent kills their autistic offspring.  However, it's only the rarest of occasions they mourn for the numerous autistic children who have died in accidental drownings or been run over by cars or trains.  Ari Ne'eman and ASAN have lobbied against restraints or wandering codes because it's a violation of autistic persons' human rights and civil rights.  Those of us who want a cure, and are fed up with the hatemongering and bullying of the NDs, according to them, are against human rights for autistics.  What about Aiden Bower's right to have been alive and grown up into adulthood?


  1. I wonder how many of them think that Bower's view of the world (including "there is no risk of me getting hurt here") was correct and the problem was with the rest of the world for having a swimming pool where his way of viewing the world said there was no risk of getting hurt?

  2. Anonymous: Are you Phil Gluyas? Sounds like an imbecilic thing he'd say.

  3. Not sure what the story is here. Kid drowns. Tragic. Autistic kids are known for their curiosity, they like to explore the world around them, so stuff like this is unfortunately more common. But what is the story angle you're getting at, blogger?

  4. Nerkul: Learn to read between the lines. Neurodiversity says that autism is no tragedy, not even a disability when properly accommodated for (at least according to some)They say autism does not kill, this proves them incorrect. There is also a double standard between when autistic children are killed by their parents and when they die from accidental drownings and other reasons. I really don't know how to spell it out better for you, should be obvious from the post.

  5. I think you'll appreciate this recent report; it points out that autistic people die sooner, and have more health problems than the general population. Quite an eye-opener: https://sfari.org/news-and-opinion/in-brief/2012/clinical-research-autism-accompanied-by-many-conditions

  6. Jonathan: I don't keep up with 'neurodiversity' politics so I perhaps lack the background to understand you. Autistic children dying from misadventures is like explorers being eaten by cannibals - tragic, but you wouldn't deny them their instincts. It's how they learn about the world. I don't follow what double standard you're getting at. Autistic children being murdered by their parents is horrible. Adults should know better than to kill people who depend on them. All animals kill their children if they decide it's a more efficient use of resources, but I would like to think humans have outgrown that. We haven't, so it's pointless to judge, but maybe something to aspire to.

    Children, on the other hand, know nothing but what they experience.

  7. I don't follow what double standard you're getting at.

    Nerkul: Your commentary only proves my point, 'nuff said.

  8. Roger: I agree with you completely. I've explained to you the problem with forming an alternative organization, here it goes again: Those of us on the more severe end of the spectrum than ASAN members are essentially too disabled to form an alternative organization. The parents of more seriously autistic children whom ASAN denigrates are too busy advocating for their kids to take action against these people or engage them in debate on the internet. ASAN's membership is largely comprised of college students with time on their hands, so hard to compete.

    I know what ASAN is about, I've read enough of their statements. I've also read Ari Ne'eman's and Steve Kapp's essay on the DSM-5. I'm contemplating responding with a blog post but not sure I will. I realize they have a second part coming out at some point. I'll look forward to reading that.

  9. "Your commentary only proves my point, 'nuff said"

    It isn't enough said, because I have no idea what you're talking about. And I did ask you to clarify,

  10. Jonathan, this Nerkul is just a troll. They are the exact opposite that they claim. Don't bother with them.

  11. Phil Gluyas has had his website shutdown by John Best and Phil Gluyas has lost his case against John Best.
