Sunday, June 5, 2011

Autism will be celebrated by Ari Ne'eman and other neurodiversity extremists

I see there is going to be a new event this august featuring Ari Ne'eman as the keynote speaker in which autism will be celebrated. It will be held in Syracuse, New York, home to Jim Sinclair, one of the founders of the ND movement. This event is apparently an appetizer to that unsavory conclave of neurodiversity hatemongers, autreat, which will be held in Pennsylvania the following week.

The event starts out with the definition of neurodiversity: Neurodiversity is a concept and social movement that advocates for viewing autism as a variation of human wiring, rather than a disease. Other than using the word disease rather than disability, this unabashed definition is actually close to what neurodiversity is about, rather than what other disingenuous or confused persons try to present it as, such as a crusade for human rights. Of course, it is unclear what the difference is between disability and disease, except that neurodiversity proponents offer the social model of disability by claiming that autism would not be disabling if society accommodated those with autism or the mothers of persons with autism who wish a cure weren't such god awful ogres who taught their children to hate themselves or gave them self-fulfilling prophecies as some of the more unsavory characters in the ND movement assert. Of course, I still think Diane Sawyer's definition, a beautiful way of justifying heartbreak is as of yet the most spot on definition to date.

The description of the event goes on: neurodiversity activists reject the idea that autism should be cured, advocating instead for celebrating autistic forms of communication and self-expression,and for promoting support systems that allow autistic people to live as autistic people.

This is the type of stuff that is so insulting to those of us who suffer from this disability every day. I know this is a rehash of things I have said for years, but i get tired of reading this stuff. I remember how John Best would make angry rants when people would say that autism should be celebrated. Where here is another example of something that may cause Best to lose his temper.

These are the type of people that Obama and the senate and the rest of the government support, including the funding of neurodiversity rogue Morton Gernsbacher at taxpayer expense.

Hopefully the day will come when the end of autism and disability and disease can and will be celebrated.


  1. Sheesh, John, you selling out and going over to the ND's side? If not, then I hope you can outwit Ari and company.

  2. I'm going to bring hundredes of parents with me and make so much noise that nobody will hear anything they have to say.

  3. I do feel sometimes like there's a disconnect from reality going on, when I read about the more extreme ends of the ND movement. You can't ignore that reality when you're bringing up a severely delayed child who is struggling in the simplest of everyday necessary self-care tasks, because of their autism. I'm all for a more positive and accepting attitude towards the different ways autistic adults end up communicating and behaving, but not when that message over-rides and undercuts the more important and impacting need for *real* help. By going to extremes - by suggesting attitude change and acceptance will make autism OK - they undercut their own message too (the rest of the more moderate ND movement) and alienate people from their cause.

  4. I'm not "wired". Are you wired? What is all this about wiring, anyway?

    And in machinery, wiring can be changed, so as a metaphor for something that is basic and cannot be modified, it doesn't work all that well.

  5. Don't kid yourself. These type of gatherings rally the "faithful" so they can energize their base of believers to continue to push public policy. These are conferences largely of the misdiagnosed, the gender twister community and self diagnosed and are necessary to form an "intellectual" foundation for their dogma. The language is very exclusive, not inclusive, and is meant to send a message "unless you believe like us you're not welcome." This isn't the autistic community, this is a political community and a political "party". If you stay on the sidelines, the "squeaky wheel will get the grease."

    Parents and those that don't believe in their party line will need to start organizing protests around these events to bring light to this political party. Otherwise, if they go uncontested, the view will be that they are the mainstream.

  6. Fauxtist, Almost all parents of autistic kids are too stupid to say anything at all about Ari Ne'eman. They don't mind at all that Ne'eman sodomizes their kids every time he opens his mouth.

  7. DisabledBuddhistNunJune 7, 2011 at 1:11 PM

    Wait, I thought "Neurodiversity" included disabled people in general, not just "autistic" people. What if a person with autism was a murder and pedophile: would Ari Ne'eman then include these people under the umbrella of "Neurodiversity?"

    I am truly Neurodiverse: I understand that murderers and pedophiles have mental disorders. In fact, probably 100% of pedophile were victims of sexual abuse and murderers are typicalky victims of child abuse (which is why they do not develop properly).

    In fact, every person in prison should be given individual Psychoanalysis to cure them of their disorder(s). My psychiatrist used to work in a prison with pedophiles so I know that (some) are given treatment. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment is what hinders these people from getting help. Most people in general cannot afford individual Psychoanalysis.

    Plus, what if a person with an intellectual disability or autism commits such a crime? Should their sentences be lighter than those who do not have these disorders? Why, since both, in my eyes, are considered to be "Neurodiverse?"

  8. "I communicate by smearing feces."

    - LFA

  9. One thing I've come to realize about Neurodiversity (even though I knew it all along, only I was in denial) is that they're mostly full of autistic people who end up becoming "friends" with other people who are learning disabled, particularly those who are language disordered (offline), language disordered alone (offline), also have autism (online or in support groups unless someone who's extremely obsessed with the autism spectrum requests to meet that autistic person in a school setting) or some other developmental disability (offline) because they have trouble initiating and maintaining a conversation in order to develop and maintain a relationship with Neurotypicals (or perhaps they don't attempt to talk to people because they're shy, nervous or don't want to bother trying in many cases).

    On the contrary, those who are a part of Neurodiversity (or not but look up to autistic people, anyway) who are not autistic often look up to autistic people because they feel they don't fit in with their typically developing peers and know autistics tend to have a high level of intelligence and understanding of those who are "different". Heck, it's not uncommon for those type of people to take advantage of autistics because they know we're naive and extremely nice and patient. At least those types of "relationships" give autistics and other disabled people company and a high level of security!

  10. In conclusion, Neurodiversity is something for activists and other disabled people to "celebrate" because it's their only social outlet and escape from the poor reality they must face in their daily life.

    BTW when I say that autistics have a high level of understanding of other disabled people, I don't just mean intuitively; I mean we (autistics) tend to care WAY TOO MUCH about what other people think because we have too much empathy- even studies have shown this to be true.

    Also when I say we have a high level of intelligence, keep in mind, readers, that this is in spite of the autism.

  11. Finally, a bit of reaction formation plays a role as to why disabled people tend to bond with autistics; although they feel they could easily be your "friend" for the "differences" they feel they share, deep down they're resentful of being disabled which could eventually cause them to take advantage of autistic people without trying hard.

  12. Although many disabled people take advantage without putting in effort, some of it is because of their own maladies. If Neurotypicals were to accommodate those people in order for them to have a relationship, they'd be putting themselves in place to be taken advantage of to the point they'll become resentful. The truth is that autistics often do this but they don't have to. There's also many autistics who have deficits to the point Neurotypicals don't want to accommodate relationships with them, but it's not like any therapists are going to "fix" these issues. All therapists are good enough for is to help us be tolerated by others as best as possible, but a cure could easily change all of that!

  13. "Wait, I thought "Neurodiversity" included disabled people in general, not just "autistic" people. What if a person with autism was a murder and pedophile: would Ari Ne'eman then include these people under the umbrella of "Neurodiversity?""

    Yes. Every person on the planet falls under this umrella. Every person is neurologically different. That's like saying that an animal is exempt from bio-diversity.

    "I am truly Neurodiverse: I understand that murderers and pedophiles have mental disorders. In fact, probably 100% of pedophile were victims of sexual abuse and murderers are typicalky victims of child abuse (which is why they do not develop properly)."

    Correct. So what? Jeffrey Dahmer was gay, so I guess Gay Pride is oh so terrible. That also includes Christianity. Yeah, Christians are all assholes because of the crusades.

    "In fact, every person in prison should be given individual Psychoanalysis to cure them of their disorder(s)."

    Totally agree with you. I'm all for rehabilitation. I think the death sentence is so stupid.

    "My psychiatrist used to work in a prison with pedophiles so I know that (some) are given treatment. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment is what hinders these people from getting help. Most people in general cannot afford individual Psychoanalysis."

    Psychoanalysis? Last time I checl the calander, it was 2011, not 1950.

    "Plus, what if a person with an intellectual disability or autism commits such a crime? Should their sentences be lighter than those who do not have these disorders?"

    Depends - were they fully aware of their actions? If they are, then a heavier sentence is in order. How is that hard to understand?

    "Why, since both, in my eyes, are considered to be "Neurodiverse?""

    Everyone is neurodiverse, you smeghead.

